Differences between revisions 2 and 56 (spanning 54 versions)
Revision 2 as of 2013-09-27 15:10:57
Size: 1848
Editor: 10
Revision 56 as of 2015-10-02 15:53:54
Size: 1367
Editor: a.deruvo
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=== Dependent Fields === #acl All:read
= Manuale Utente =
== Funzionalità ==
 * /!\ ''' Gestione dei Progetti di Ricerca''' /!\ : [[stabulari/help/progettiricerca|LINK]]
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As indicated, there are some different types of fields: '''optional, mandatory''' and '''dependent'''. Mandatory and optional are clear: they correspond to, respectively, mandatory fields without which the submission is invalid, and optional fields that are non-compulsory but useful for a particular purpose.
Dependent fields could be mandatory or blank fields depending on value/s from another field/s. There are 5 dependent fields in the submission.
Place of birth, NHP Source and NHP Generation depend on Species and Re-use. Place of birth must be completed if and only if Re-use is set to "No" and, in Species, is selected a non-NHP (values outside the range A19~A25). On the other hand, NHP Source and NHP Generation must be completed only if NHP is selected in Species (values inside the range A19~A25).
For better understanding, below you can see a dependency diagram and table for these fields.
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  The next 2 dependent fields are '''Testing by Legislation''' and '''Legislative Requirements'''. These 2 fields depend on the Purpose field. If the Purpose value does not start with code PR, leave these 2 dependent fields blank. If Purpose value starts with code PR, you have to select values for these 2 fields from the dropdown list.  * '''Documentazione Dati Statistici e Rendicontazione ALUREs''': [[stabulari/help/rendicstab|LINK]], [[stabulari/help/esempirend|esempi di rendicontazione ]].
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Finally, there is one special field: '''Purpose'''. Purpose is mandatory in any case but its list can change depending on your selection in Creation of a new GL. If you choose "Yes" in Creation of a new GL you can only choose in Purpose field a value inside "Basic research purposes" and "Translational and applied research purposes". In other cases you can choose any option from the complete list of purposes. However, do not worry about this, because excel will create a purpose list dynamically. So, you will not be able to introduce a bad value for purpose.  * '''Gestione Registro di Carico e Scarico''': [[stabulari/help/registro|LINK]], [[stabulari/help/esempiregistro|esempi]].

 * '''Gestione Anagrafiche''': [[stabulari/help/anagrafiche| Stabulario]], [[stabulari/help/personale| Anagrafiche del personale]].

 * '''Comunicazioni''': [[stabulari/help/comunicazioni| Gestione delle Comunicazioni]]

== Informazioni generali ==
 * '''Domande Frequenti (FAQ) ''' : [[stabulari/help/faq|A questo link sono fornite risposte ufficiali ad alcune domande frequenti]]

 * '''Accesso al sistema e Log In''': [[stabulari/help/accesso|A questo link sono definite la modalità di accesso al sistema, inclusa una breve descrizione dei ruoli disponibili]].

 * '''Componenti dell'interfaccia utente''': [[webapp/help|A questo link è possibile trovare un vademecum per l'uso dei componenti dell' interfaccia utente della web application]].

 * '''Materiale e Formazione''': [[stabulari/help/formazione|A questo link è disponibile materiale e documentazione utilizzato nei corsi di formazione]].

Manuale Utente


Informazioni generali

stabulari/help (last edited 2016-09-20 15:08:06 by f.quaranta)